For a straight to DVD movie it's not bad, but it's not terrific either it's in the middle somewhere. The biggest problem I had with this movie was trying to emotionally click and connect with the characters and the story. the story isn't bad, it's the way it's told and it's the pacing that gets in the way. When the current is smooth the pacing is smooth but when the current is ruff the pacing is ruff and the current is occasionally ruff. Not to mention there were some awkward scenes that tried to be emotional but weren't like When Paul goes to visit his wife's grave and he just starts randomly crying. The way he started crying was just awkward and it felt weird not touching or emotional.
There are plenty of things to like here though. The acting was good for the most part and the chemistry between the characters was nice. This film is also nicely shot especially when he's swimming in the water, there are some truly beautiful scenes. I also liked the dialogue between the characters it was funny and it kept me entertained if you're not into dry sense of humor then maybe this movie isn't for you because there's a lot of it. The music was also nice in this movie and it helped set the mood sometimes. Also, at least the ending isn't predictable and clichรฉd.
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Movies (70)
Against the Current review

Step Up 3-D review

Honestly I couldn't sit through the first two movies. This movie however, is a huge improvement over its predecessors. In terms of acting it's better this time around even though half of the cast could have been better but hey it's an improvement. The dialogue isn't anything snappy or funny but in some parts it was actually clever and in other parts it was just ok. There's a plot but it's thin and not very memorable. Everything else was fantastic! The dancing is unbelievable! I have never seen anything like it in any movie before and its wonderfully choreographed. The music is great every choice fits the dances perfectly and it made me want to get up and start dancing myself. The characters were nice also and at least they weren't bland like in the first one, most of them had personalities. The energy in the dancing and between the characters is great! Not only were the dancing scenes fantastic but this movie had some moments beyond the dancing. Like when Luke and Natalie went up on the rooftop on top of the vent that scene was really nice and it felt real. The rehearsals during the movie also managed to be fun and there's a nice chemistry between all the actors. I would also like to add that, the robot guy was so cool and he was one of my favorite characters. Even if half of the actors didn't deliver that great of a performance(they weren't bad either) at least they're talented. You guys can make fun of me all you want but I really enjoyed this movie. Yes the plot wasn't anything that special and yes half of the actors didn't deliver great performances like the other half of the cast but, this movie has so much energy, great dancing that is extremely well choreographed, nice chemistry between the actors, and it's a heck of a lot better than its predecessors.

Stan Helsing review

The fact that this garbage has a 19% is a mystery to me. How can anyone be entertained by this movie. Nothing was funny at all and if you thought this was funny then good for you, seriously though there was nothing funny every joke fell flat. The next thing is the horrible acting holy crap none of the performances were funny or remotely good. Whoever wrote the story must of been on something because there was no story at all it's just a bunch of people running from Freddy, Jason, Chucky, Pinhead, Michael Myers, and Leatherface. That's pretty much the whole movie right there. This is a pointless, dumb movie that's not even funny at all and pure torture to sit through. Not even Leslie Nielsen was funny! What is more sad is this was pretty much one of his last movies too. 0/5 stars for this pile of crap! Do not watch it avoid it at all costs and if you do watch it I wish you the best of luck.

Transformers: Dark of the Moon review

A huge improvement over the awful second movie. However the first one in my opinion is still the best and my favorite. This movie suffers the same problems as the second one, the plot is underdeveloped but better than the sequel and the story wasn't that great this time around either but also better than the second movie for sure. The characters were still underdeveloped and the script was a bit weak. The special effects though were amazing and I did catch it in 3-D which was breathtaking, I mean if you want to see this it would be nice to invest a little more of your money in 3-D because I got my money's worth. Not only is the 3-D better than most movies but it doesn't affect the quality of the picture, it wasn't blurry or anything it was crisp and clear. Another thing I liked was the fact that there weren't any annoying robots specifically twin robots ehem, and there's also no unnecessary scenes like the mom eating "Brownies." Can someone please tell me the point of the girl though? She served no purpose in this film and it would have been better without her, I didn't even find her to be that attractive and her acting was just awful. The acting was a tad better this time but at some points Shia overacted a bit. There were some funny scenes too which kept the movie going for me and the action was great especially the last hour of the movie, in 3-D it was amazing. So overall this was a huge improvement over the second one but it still had a bunch of problems of its own and it wasn't as good as the first.

Kung Fu Panda 2 review

Kung Fu Panda 2 may not be better than the first one but it's certainly just as good. Even though the storyline seemed a tad familiar that's not what bothered me the most it was Jack Black's one liners. Half of them fell flat to me and weren't funny. Other than that I loved everything else about the movie. The action was amazing, the animation was wonderful, the voice acting was terrific, the two stories were nice and wonderfully told, and even though half of Jack Black's one liners weren't funny the movie was at least. So overall this is a worthy sequel to its predecessor and unlike most sequels that came out so far this year, this one didn't disappoint me.

The Last Winter review

I have to say I'm a little surprised that this movie has a 76%. This movie wasn't scary, it wasn't suspenseful, it didn't have me at the edge of my seat or covering my eyes in sheer terror it was boring. Nothing really happens and I guess I set my expectations a little too high when I saw the positive reviews. This film is not bad and in fact the nice acting is what helped me survive through this movie, it's just that nothing happens, it's not scary, it's just boring and I understand the eco-friendly message it's trying to send out but it's horribly done and told. So overall it's nicely acting but it's not scary in any way and it's pretty boring.

Sanctum review

The special effects were good but everything else was awful. For starters the acting was terrible and the characters were boring and uninteresting especially that girl who was extremely annoying and the whole movie I kept yelling "just die already!" SPOILER SKIP TO NEXT PARAGRAPH!!!! When she did die I was so satisfied and happy!!
The dialogue was another problem, it was so stupid. Half of the lines that came out of the characters made no sense and were completely unnecessary. Plus at some points in the beginning of the movie it tried to be funny but it wasn't because the jokes were so dumb. The story is based on a true story but it's so horribly told here. It was uninteresting and the pacing was terrible. I know I've been saying a lot of negative things about this movie but there are some positives. The effects are wonderful and it's nicely shot. There was some scenes that were laughably bad too like the end, SPOILER SKIP TO NEXT PARAGRAPH!!!!!!!! where the father is dying and the son has to drown him holy crap that scene was bad. The father kept saying "Help me" while the son was crying and holding his father in his arms. Instead of trying to make this an emotional scene it was laughable it took 5 minutes for him to do it and the acting was so bad during this scene I just kept yelling at the screen, "Just do it already!".
This movie had potential given its source material but it squandered it, visually no but everything else yes. The story was horribly told, the acting was awful, the dialogue was stupid, and the characters were boring, annoying and uninteresting.
The dialogue was another problem, it was so stupid. Half of the lines that came out of the characters made no sense and were completely unnecessary. Plus at some points in the beginning of the movie it tried to be funny but it wasn't because the jokes were so dumb. The story is based on a true story but it's so horribly told here. It was uninteresting and the pacing was terrible. I know I've been saying a lot of negative things about this movie but there are some positives. The effects are wonderful and it's nicely shot. There was some scenes that were laughably bad too like the end, SPOILER SKIP TO NEXT PARAGRAPH!!!!!!!! where the father is dying and the son has to drown him holy crap that scene was bad. The father kept saying "Help me" while the son was crying and holding his father in his arms. Instead of trying to make this an emotional scene it was laughable it took 5 minutes for him to do it and the acting was so bad during this scene I just kept yelling at the screen, "Just do it already!".
This movie had potential given its source material but it squandered it, visually no but everything else yes. The story was horribly told, the acting was awful, the dialogue was stupid, and the characters were boring, annoying and uninteresting.

The Lucky Ones review

It's heart is in the right place and this is wonderfully acted. Unfortunately it's not well written, I mean come on the coincidences are so hard to believe sometimes. It is so hard to believe how they keep finding each other and all the bumps along the road for them. This is better than some Iraq wars I've seen before and thankfully it's funny most of the time. Sometimes the jokes fall flat. I'd be lying though if I said that this movie didn't put a smile on my face and I even enjoyed some parts of it despite how hard it was to believe. This isn't a bad movie at all, it's something to pass the time if you're not doing anything. This movie would be nothing without the acting and chemistry between the characters it's just drowned by the unbelievable coincidences.

Limitless review

I find it funny how the movie is about Bradley Cooper taking these pills that allows him to use 100% of his brain but the movie only uses about 60% of its' brain. Also, I find it funny how this movie is about taking the pill and becoming smart all of the sudden but the people never actually have anything smart to say nor do they really say anything smart which is the biggest problem of the film, the script is dumb. Everything else however is fine Bradley Cooper really lifts this movie with his wonderful performance and really carries it, the rest of the cast did a nice job also. Despite the dumb script This is a pretty entertaining and fun movie.

Rio review

Yes this is a very simple, predictable movie with a story that we have seen before. However I loved this movie! The animation is colorful, bright, and well done. The voice cast was excellent and funny which really gave this movie a huge boost. The music was really nice and catchy. The dialogue was nice and the story to be honest wasn't that bad but it stop the movie from reaching full flight. Director Carlos Saldanha has really improved his game here since his last animated effort Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs. This is just as good as the first Ice Age and it's fun for all the ages.